
Tips, tricks and stories from a chronic traveller

The “Here We Go Again” New Years Resolution January 6, 2011

Filed under: Beauty — tinostravelblog @ 1:36 pm
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This year like every year I’ve decided to try to lose weight. Every January I start a new diet regimen to get of the 15-20 pounds that I put on from Fall to Christmas. This year is no different and I’m back to eating a lot of salads and drinking a lot of water. Gone are those lovely lattes and mochas that I like to consume this time of year. Sad smile


Things are a little different this year because I’ve found a place that can do Ultra-Trim body wraps and  give me back that toned look that I lack during the Winter months. Here is a description of what one of these body wraps consists of:

“The Ultra-Trim Wrap is our powerful double body wrap performed back-to-back in the same visit.
Your first wrap will consist of being wrapped lightly with bandages soaked in our Infinity solution, you’ll remain in this wrap for 45 minutes, getting the solution reapplied every 20 minutes.

After unwrapping, a fresh set of bandages with a new solution will be used to begin another wrap. You can select any one of the 3 solutions for your second wrap. This wrap can stay on anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Reapplication of solution will occur every 15 to 20 minutes. Then you’ll be unwrapped and re-measured.

The Ultra-Trim is a great choice for those with hard or solid fat, or those that want to achieve dramatic results for a special occasion.”


I can’t wait to treat myself to this after I lose 10-15 pounds. You need an occasional reward to keep yourself going to the gym and depriving yourself of all yummy goodies available this time of year.


~ Ti


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